From: The University at Buffalo, School of Social Work
Dissertation: Youth social media use: Engagement, frequency, and consequences for risk and well-being
Committee: Thomas H. Nochajski (Co-Chair), Laina Y. Bay-Cheng (Co-Chair), & R. Lorraine Collins (Public Health)
From: The University of Windsor, School of Social Work (Canada)
Concentration: Generalized social work practice
From: McMaster University, Department of Psychology (Canada)
Major: Experimental, Social psychology
From: Fleming College (Canada)
Major: Police Foundation
*Equivalent to an Associate’s degree in the U.S.
Pervasive Health Informatics, University of Michigan, School of Information
Mentor: Mark W. Newman, PhD
Studies: (1) apply trauma-informed approaches to social media design, moderation, and companies; (2) investigate emojis as a tool for communicating teens' current mood and well-being; and (3) design a mHealth self-experimentation intervention study.
2019 - 2021
Social Media Research Lab, University of Michigan, School of Information
Mentor: Sarita Schoenebeck, PhD
Studies: (1) explore U.S. teen (ages 13-17) social media use and mental health via 4-month experience sampling; (2) qualitative text message study of youth's (ages 14-24) lived experience of cyberbullying; and (3) qualitative text message study of youths' trust and distrust of social media to help them handle harassment.